Personal Budgeting
As Stewards of God’s Money We Will be Called to Account;
For How We Use Our Money – Are you ready?
Being a Christian means that we are accountable to God for the way we live our lives. Jesus made it clear that being faithful with finance is a key principle of Christian discipleship. This means we need to take seriously the way we handle and deal with our money.
This will include considering questions like the following:
- Are you mastering your money or being mastered by it?
- Have you noticed that Money is a great slave but a rotten master?
- Many people feel like they are not making progress financially. What about you?
- Do you get stressed when the bills come in or do you have money set aside ready?
- Do you have a money spending plan or budget?
- Are you measuring your outcomes… your budget versus your actual results?
- What is your accountability strategy?
In response to these important questions GMM has developed courses and training that provide practical and proven strategies of financial management.
This course will address the following issues.
- How to put a working budget together simply, easily and sustainably
- Setting up a “closed circle budget” so that your ‘cup can run over’
- Having enough money set aside to pay your bills