Gods Money Matters – Articles
We Have a Little… Part 1
A Little Time
This one is often the easiest to lose track of in our daily lives—that little bit of time we have to ourselves, those precious few hours not claimed by responsibilities to our families, jobs, or church. It’s easy to lose track of simply because it’s one of our most precious resources, and we often use our little time in pursuit of a broad range of activities, hobbies, and so forth. Again, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying what God has provided you, but stop to think about the many different things that you could be doing with that time. Could something small, just a few minutes of your time, be spent doing something that brings glory and honour to God? Think about the difference that just a few more minutes could make in your prayer time, your quiet time with God, to better your relationship with Him. Wouldn’t that be a wise investment?
A Little Energy
Similar to your time, the little bit of energy leftover at the end of a long day often goes toward something relaxing and/or enjoyable. However, there’s always a bit of something that you could be doing with that energy, from helping the less fortunate to volunteering at church or in your community. Does that mean that you should spend every spare minute doing something constructive for someone around you? Absolutely not, and if you try to do this, you’ll quickly get burned out and exhausted with your everyday life. Instead, seek God and find a balance—His balance—between doing things for yourself with that energy and doing things for others. Managing your health should be part of this overall balance in order to ensure energy levels can be maintained.
A Little Money
Here’s where things often get touchy—the small amount of money (or large amount if you’re almost or totally debt-free) that can be invested in something other than paying bills, paying tithes, giving offerings, and investing wisely for the future. That isn’t to say that you should choose a random charity to donate money to each month, because that may not be the smartest decision (or a Godly one)—you never know what you’d be supporting financially. However, pray about where to invest each dollar you spend, whether it’s for charity or making investments in properties, since you have to give account for what God’s given you.
One of the things that I do in my personal life is sponsor children through Compassion, a way to invest not only a few dollars each month in a worthy cause, but a way to change a life in the process. My family and I spend some of our time and energy in writing letters regularly to these beautiful child each month, and we spend some money for supporting those children’s education, medical care, and community. It’s just one of the little things that I’m glad to do because it brings glory to God in a way that is not just forward-thinking, but also eternity-minded. There’s a popular television ad in the U.S. that talks about a mind being a terrible thing to waste, so solid investments that help further a child’s potential are incredible opportunities for making a big difference in someone’s future. You never know…the child you sponsor could wind up changing the world! If you’re interested in donating to this group, visit their website and get more information.