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Now That I Am Saving Money Where Should I Invest?

by | Nov 2, 2014

If you have been following our suggestions about setting in place a budget which includes savings – then the next question is where is a good place to invest? If we want to reap a harvest in the future where is the best place to plant the seeds?

What does the Bible say?

From my studying of the bible and my research I don’t see the Bible specifically addressing what areas in which to invest. However I believe it gives us some principles we can apply to this area.

This is what I recommend and it seems to make sense – and certainly doesn’t go against the bible’s teaching.

Where should I invest?

  1. Your education. Investing in your education has two parts.
    1. The first part is investing in your vocational education – investing time and resources in becoming proficient in your chosen line of work. I’m a believer in ‘life-long-learning’ – we become more valuable as we continue to grow and learn.
    2. The second part is understanding what to do with money when you have it. It is investing in financial education.
  2. Cash. Whilst cash is actually not really an investment – it is just a tool. But you need some ‘tools in the box’ to facilitate other investments. You also need an emergency fund and a bank account to pay bills. Cash is known as a liquid investment – meaning it is easy and fast to access. Some say that’s why it’s called current-cy – as it is meant to flow.
  3. Shares. Shares in either your own business or those on the Stock Market. In your own business is pretty obvious so let’s discuss shares on the Stock Market. The reason shares are next is because of liquidity. Whilst not as liquid as cash – normally you can access the cash from selling shares within a few days. So if you must access your cash for some reason they are readily available.
  4. Property. There are various ways and type of property to invest in which I’m not going to discuss now. Property is typically a lumpy “illiquid” investment and that’s why I recommend it last. If the capital invested in property is needed in a hurry, it is very difficult to get – after all you can’t sell a room off a home.

When setting aside funds to invest – always take time to understand the investment and only invest what you can lock away for the long-term. Investing really should be done with the view of never selling, but holding the investment for the long-term.

Investments should be purchased for the long-term passive income they produce – not for short-term gains.Investing for short-term gains is actually not investing at all – it’s gambling.

Investing is buying an asset for the long-term income with the opportunity and hope that the investment will also rise in value.

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